

  • 蔡龙权主编;李志强,刘晋编著 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:9787547801215
  • 出版时间:2010
  • 标注页数:324页
  • 文件大小:156MB
  • 文件页数:338页
  • 主题词:社会科学-文集;自然科学-文集


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Part Ⅰ Ancient Greek and Roman Period1

1.Plato/From Republic2

2.Herodotus/From The History of Herodotus8

3.Aristotle/From Poetics13

4.Epicurus/From Letter to Menoeceus19

5.Plotinus/From On the Intellectual Beauty25

6.Dionysius Longinus/From On the sublime30

7.Quintus Hoaratius Flaccus/From Art of Poetry34

8.Saint Augustine/From The City of God38

Part Ⅱ Renaissance Period43

9.Petrarch/From To Marcus Tullius Cicero44

10.Leonardo Bruni/From Panegyric to the City of Florence48

11.Giovanni Pico della Mirandola/From Oration on the Dignity of Man53

12.Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus/From The Praise of Folly58

13.NiccolòMachiavelli/From The Prince64

14.Sir Philip Sidney/From The Poet:Compared and Contrasted With Historian and Philosopher68

15.René Descartes/From Principia Philosophiae72

16.Frances Bacon/From Novum Organum77

17.Thomas Hobbes/From Leviathan81

Part Ⅲ Modem Period85

18.John Locke/From An Essay Concerning Human Understanding86

19.Baruch Spinoza/From Ethics90

20.Gottfried Leibniz/From A Philosopher's Creed94

21.Giambattista Vico/From The New Science98

22.George Berkeley/From Principals of Human Knowledge102

23.Baron de Montesquieu/From The Spirit of Law107

24.David Hume/From A Treatise of Human Nature112

25.Jean Jacques Rousseau/From The Social Contract(BookⅠ)118

26.Adam Smith/From An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth ofN ations(BookⅠ)123

27.Immanuel Kant/From Critique of Pure Reason129

28.Edmund Burke/From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful133

29.Thomas Paine/From The Rights of Man139

30.Thomas Jefferson/From Declaration of Independence143

31.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe/From The Sorrows of Young Werther146

32.Friedrich Schiller/From On the Aesthetic Education of Man:In a Series of Letters150

33.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel/From The Science of Logic154

34.Ralph Waldo Emerson/From History158

35.John Stuart Mill/From On Liberty164

36.Lewis Henry Morgan/From Ancient Society169

37.Karl Heinrich Marx/From Capital173

38.Herbert Spencer/From The Principles of Sociology176

39.Matthew Arnold/From The Function of Criticism at the Present Time180

40.Leo Tolstoy/From What Is Art?184

41.William James/From Pragmatism189

42.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche/From Thus Spake Zarathustra194

43.John Bates Clark/From The Distribution of Wealth198

44.Sir James George Frazer/From The Golden Bough202

45.Sigmund Freud/From Civilization and its Discontents206

46.Ferdinand de Saussure/From Writings in General Linguistics212

47.Franz Boas/From The Mind of Primitive Man217

48.Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl/From Ideas:General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology221

Part Ⅳ Contemporary Period225

49.John Dewey/From On Democracy226

50.George Santayana/From The Sense of Beauty:Being an Outline of Aesthetic Theory229

51.Hermann Ebbinghaus/From Memory:A Contribution to Experimental Psychology233

52.Bertrand Russell/From A Free Man's Worship237

53.Albert Einstein/From Why Socialism?242

54.Elton Mayo/From The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization245

55.John Maynard Keynes/From The Economic Consequences of the Peace249

56.Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski/From Magic,Science,and Religion253

57.Georg Lukacs/From History and Class Consciousness257

58.Martin Heidegger/From Being and Time261

59.Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein From Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus265

60.Robin George Collingwood/From The Idea of History268

61.Hans-George Gadamer/From Truth and Method272

62.Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre/From Being and Nothingness276

63.Claude Levi-Strauss/From The Savage Mind280

64.John Rawls/From A Theory of Justice284

65.Abraham Harold Maslow/From A Theory of Human Motivation288

66.Michel Foucault/From Archaeology of Knowledge292

67.Jean Piaget/From The Child's Conception of the World297

68.Avram Noam Chomsky/From Language and Mind300

69.George P.Lakoff&Mark L.Johnson/From Philosophy in the Flesh304

Part Ⅴ Ancient Chinese Period309

70.Confucius/From The Analects310

71.Laozi/From Dao De Jing314

72.Mozi/From Mozi317

73.Mencius/From Mencius321
