

  • 出版社: MC GRAW HILL
  • ISBN:9780072950465
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:1008页
  • 文件大小:157MB
  • 文件页数:1031页
  • 主题词:


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PART 1Fundamental Principles1

Chapter1 Aerodynamics:Some Introductory Thoughts3

1.1 Importance of Aerodynamics:Historical Examples5

1.2 Aerodynamics:Classification and Practical Objectives11

1.3 Road Map for This Chapter14

1.4 Some Fundamental Aerodynamic Variables15

1.4.1 Units18

1.5 Aerodynamic Forces and Moments19

1.6 Center of Pressure32

1.7 Dimensional Analysis:The Buckingham Pi Theorem34

1.8 Flow Similarity40

1.9 Fluid Statics:Buoyancy Force51

1.10 Types of Flow57

1.10.1 Continuum Versus Free Molecule Flow58

1.10.2 Inviscid Versus Viscous Flow58

1.10.3 Incompressible Versus Compressible Flows60

1.10.4 Mach Number Regimes60

1.11 Viscous Flow:Introduction to Boundary Layers64

1.12 Applied Aerodynamics:The Aerodynamic Coefficients—Their Magnitudes and Variations71

1.13 Historical Note:The Illusive Center of Pressure83

1.14 Historical Note:Aerodynamic Coefficients87

1.15 Summary91

1.16 Problems92

Chapter 2 Aerodynamics:Some Fundamental Principles and Equations95

2.1 Introduction and Road Map96

2.2 Review of Vector Relations97

2.2.1 Some Vector Algebra98

2.2.2 Typical Orthogonal Coordinate Systems99

2.2.3 Scalar and Vector Fields102

2.2.4 Scalar and Vector Products102

2.2.5 Gradient of a Scalar Field103

2.2.6 Divergence of a Vector Field105

2.2.7 Curl of a Vector Field106

2.2.8 Line Integrals106

2.2.9 Surface Integrals107

2.2.10 Volume Integrals108

2.2.11 Relations Between Line,Surface,and Volume Integrals109

2.2.12 Summary109

2.3 Models of the Fluid:Control Volumes and Fluid Elements109

2.3.1 Finite Control Volume Approach110

2.3.2 Infinitesimal Fluid Element Approach111

2.3.3 Molecular Approach111

2.3.4 Physical Meaning of the Divergence of Velocity112

2.3.5 Specification of the Flow Field113

2.4 Continuity Equation117

2.5 Momentum Equation122

2.6 An Application of the Momentum Equation:Drag of a Two-Dimensional Body127

2.6.1 Comment136

2.7 Energy Equation136

2.8 Interim Summary141

2.9 Substantial Derivative142

2.10 Fundamental Equations in Terms of the Substantial Derivative145

2.11 Pathlines,Streamlines,and Streaklines of a Flow147

2.12 Angular Velocity,Vorticity,and Strain152

2.13 Circulation162

2.14 Stream Function165

2.15 Velocity Potential169

2.16 Relationship Between the Stream Function and Velocity Potential171

2.17 How Do We Solve the Equations?172

2.17.1 Theoretical (Analytical) Solutions172

2.17.2 Numerical Solutions—Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)174

2.17.3 The Bigger Picture181

2.18 Summary181

2.19 Problems185

PART 2 Inviscid,Incompressible Flow187

Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Inviscid,Incompressible Flow189

3.1 Introduction and Road Map190

3.2 Bernoulli’s Equation193

3.3 Incompressible Flow in a Duct:The Venturi and Low-Speed Wind Tunnel197

3.4 Pitot Tube:Measurement of Airspeed210

3.5 Pressure Coefficient219

3.6 Condition on Velocity for Incompressible Flow221

3.7 Governing Equation for Irrotational,Incompressible Flow:Laplace’s Equation222

3.7.1 Infinity Boundary Conditions225

3.7.2 Wall Boundary Conditions225

3.8 Interim Summary226

3.9 Uniform Flow:Our First Elementary Flow227

3.10 Source Flow:Our Second Elementary Flow229

3.11 Combination of a Uniform Flow with a Source and Sink233

3.12 Doublet Flow:Our Third Elementary Flow237

3.13 Nonlifting Flow over a Circular Cylinder239

3.14 Vortex Flow:Our Fourth Elementary Flow245

3.15 Lifting Flow over a Cylinder249

3.16 The Kutta-Joukowski Theorem and the Generation of Lift262

3.17 Nonlifting Flows over Arbitrary Bodies:The Numerical Source Panel Method264

3.18 Applied Aerodynamics:The Flow over a Circular Cylinder—The Real Case274

3.19 Historical Note:Bernoulli and Euler—The Origins of Theoretical Fluid Dynamics282

3.20 Historical Note:d’Alembert and His Paradox287

3.21 Summary288

3.22 Problems291

Chapter 4 Incompressible Flow over Airfoils295

4.1 Introduction297

4.2 Airfoil Nomenclature300

4.3 Airfoil Characteristics302

4.4 Philosophy of Theoretical Solutions for Low-Speed Flow over Airfoils:The Vortex Sheet307

4.5 The Kutta Condition312

4.5.1 Without Friction Could We Have Lift?316

4.6 Kelvin’s Circulation Theorem and the Starting Vortex316

4.7 Classical Thin Airfoil Theory:The Symmetric Airfoil319

4.8 The Cambered Airfoil329

4.9 The Aerodynamic Center:Additional Considerations338

4.10 Lifting Flows over Arbitrary Bodies:The Vortex Panel Numerical Method342

4.11 Modern Low-Speed Airfoils348

4.12 Viscous Flow:Airfoil Drag352

4.12.1 Estimating Skin-Friction Drag:Laminar Flow353

4.12.2 Estimating Skin-Friction Drag:Turbulent Flow355

4.12.3 Transition357

4.12.4 Flow Separation362

4.12.5 Comment367

4.13 Applied Aerodynamics:The Flow over an Airfoil—The Real Case368

4.14 Historical Note:Early Airplane Design and the Role of Airfoil Thickness379

4.15 Historical Note:Kutta,Joukowski,and the Circulation Theory of Lift384

4.16 Summary386

4.17 Problems388

Chapter 5 Incompressible Flow over Finite Wings391

5.1 Introduction:Downwash and Induced Drag395

5.2 The Vortex Filament,the Biot-Savart Law,and Helmholtz’s Theorems400

5.3 Prandtl’s Classical Lifting-Line Theory404

5.3.1 Elliptical Lift Distribution410

5.3.2 General Lift Distribution415

5.3.3 Effect of Aspect Ratio418

5.3.4 Physical Significance424

5.4 A Numerical Nonlinear Lifting-Line Method433

5.5 The Lifting-Surface Theoryand the Vortex Lattice Numerical Method437

5.6 Applied Aerodynamics:The Delta Wing444

5.7 Historical Note:Lanchester and Prandtl—The Early Development of Finite-Wing Theory456

5.8 Historical Note:Prandtl—The Man460

5.9 Summary463

5.10 Problems464

Chapter 6 Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flow467

6.1 Introduction467

6.2 Three-Dimensional Source468

6.3 Three-Dimensional Doublet470

6.4 Flow over a Sphere472

6.4.1 Comment on the Three-Dimensional Relieving Effect474

6.5 General Three-Dimensional Flows:Panel Techniques475

6.6 Applied Aerodynamics:The Flow over a Sphere—The Real Case477

6.7 Summary480

6.8 Problems481

PART 3Inviscid,Compressible Flow483

Chapter 7 Compressible Flow:Some Preliminary Aspects485

7.1 Introduction486

7.2 A Brief Review of Thermodynamics488

7.2.1 Perfect Gas488

7.2.2 Internal Energy and Enthalpy488

7.2.3 First Law of Thermodynamics492

7.2.4 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics493

7.2.5 Isentropic Relations495

7.3 Definition of Compressibility497

7.4 Governing Equations for Inviscid,Compressible Flow499

7.5 Definition of Total (Stagnation)Conditions501

7.6 Some Aspects of Supersonic Flow:Shock Waves507

7.7 Summary510

7.8 Problems513

Chapter 8 Normal Shock Waves and Related Topics515

8.1 Introduction516

8.2 The Basic Normal Shock Equations517

8.3 Speed of Sound521

8.4 Special Forms of the Energy Equation527

8.5 When Is a Flow Compressible?534

8.6 Calculation of Normal Shock-Wave Properties537

8.7 Measurement of Velocity in a Compressible Flow548

8.7.1 Subsonic Compressible Flow548

8.7.2 Supersonic Flow549

8.8 Summary553

8.9 Problems556

Chapter 9Oblique Shock and Expansion Waves559

9.1 Introduction560

9.2 Oblique Shock Relations566

9.3 Supersonic Flow over Wedges and Cones580

9.4 Shock Interactions and Reflections583

9.5 Detached Shock Wave in Front of a Blunt Body589

9.6 Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Waves591

9.7 Shock-Expansion Theory:Applications to Supersonic Airfoils602

9.8 A Comment on Lift and Drag Coefficients606

9.9 Viscous Flow:Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction606

9.10 Historical Note:Ernst Mach—A Biographical Sketch609

9.11 Summary611

9.12 Problems612

Chapter 10 Compressible Flow Through Nozzles,Diffusers,and Wind Tunnels617

10.1 Introduction618

10.2 Governing Equations for Quasi-One-Dimensional Flow620

10.3 Nozzle Flows629

10.3.1 More on Mass Flow643

10.4 Diffusers644

10.5 Supersonic Wind Tunnels646

10.6 Viscous Flow:Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction Inside Nozzles652

10.7 Summary654

10.8 Problems655

Chapter 11 Subsonic Compressible Flow over Airfoils:Linear Theory657

11.1 Introduction658

11.2 The Velocity Potential Equation660

11.3 The Linearized Velocity Potential Equation663

11.4 Prandtl-Glauert Compressibility Correction668

11.5 Improved Compressibility Corrections673

11.6 Critical Mach Number674

11.6.1 A Comment on the Location of Minimum Pressure (Maximum Velocity)683

11.7 Drag-Divergence Mach Number:The Sound Barrier683

11.8 The Area Rule691

11.9 The Supercritical Airfoil693

11.10 CFD Applications:Transonic Airfoils and Wings695

11.11 Historical Note:High-Speed Airfoils—Early Research and Development700

11.12 Historical Note:Richard T.Whitcomb—Architect of the Area Rule and the Supercritical Wing704

11.13 Summary706

11.14 Problems707

Chapter 12 Linearized Supersonic Flow709

12.1 Introduction710

12.2 Derivation of the Linearized Supersonic Pressure Coefficient Formula710

12.3 Application to Supersonic Airfoils714

12.4 Viscous Flow:Supersonic Airfoil Drag720

12.5 Summary723

12.6 Problems724

Chapter13 Introduction to Numerical Techniques for Nonlinear Supersonic Flow725

13.1 Introduction:Philosophy of Computational Fluid Dynamics726

13.2 Elements of the Method of Characteristics728

13.2.1 Internal Points734

13.2.2 Wall Points735

13.3 Supersonic Nozzle Design736

13.4 Elements of Finite-Difference Methods739

13.4.1 Predictor Step745

13.4.2 Corrector Step745

13.5 The Time-Dependent Technique:Application to Supersonic Blunt Bodies746

13.5.1 Predictor Step750

13.5.2 Corrector Step750

13.6 Summary754

13.7 Problem754

Chapter 14 Elements of Hypersonic Flow757

14.1 Introduction758

14.2 Qualitative Aspects of Hypersonic Flow759

14.3 Newtonian Theory763

14.4 The Lift and Drag of Wings at Hypersonic Speeds:Newtonian Results for a Flat Plate at Angle of Attack767

14.4.1 Accuracy Considerations774

14.5 Hypersonic Shock-Wave Relations and Another Look at Newtonian Theory778

14.6 Mach Number Independence782

14.7 Hypersonics and Computational Fluid Dynamics784

14.8 Summary787

14.9 Problems787

PART4 Viscous Flow789

Chapter 15 Introduction to the Fundamental Principles and Equations of Viscous Flow791

15.1 Introduction792

15.2 Qualitative Aspects of Viscous Flow793

15.3 Viscosity and Thermal Conduction801

15.4 The Navier-Stokes Equations806

15.5 The Viscous Flow Energy Equation810

15.6 Similarity Parameters814

15.7 Solutions of Viscous Flows:A Prelimina ryDiscussion818

15.8 Summary821

15.9 Problems823

Chapter16 Some Special Cases; Couette and Poiseuille Flows825

16.1 Introduction825

16.2 Couette Flow:General Discussion826

16.3 Incompressible (Constant Property)Couette Flow830

16.3.1 Negligible Viscous Dissipation836

16.3.2 Equal Wall Temperatures837

16.3.3 Adiabatic Wall Conditions (Adiabatic Wall Temperature)839

16.3.4 Recovery Factor842

16.3.5 Reynolds Analogy843

16.3.6 Interim Summary844

16.4 Compressible Couette Flow846

16.4.1 Shooting Method848

16.4.2 Time-Dependent Finite-Difference Method850

16.4.3 Results for Compressible Couette Flow854

16.4.4 Some Analytical Considerations856

16.5 Two-Dimensional Poiseuille Flow861

16.6 Summary865

16.6.1 Couette Flow865

16.6.2 Poiseuille Flow865

Chapter 17 Introduction to Boundary Layers867

17.1 Introduction868

17.2 Boundary-Layer Properties870

17.3 The Boundary-Layer Equations876

17.4 How Do We Solve the Boundary-Layer Equations?879

17.5 Summary881

Chapter 18 Laminar Boundary Layers883

18.1 Introduction883

18.2 Incompressible Flow over a Flat Plate:The Blasius Solution884

18.3 Compressible Flow over a Flat Plate891

18.3.1 A Comment on Drag Variation with Velocity902

18.4 The Reference Temperature Method903

18.4.1 Recent Advances:The Meador-Smart Reference Temperature Method906

18.5 Stagnation Point Aerodynamic Heating907

18.6 Boundary Layers over Arbitrary Bodies:Finite-Difference Solution913

18.6.1 Finite-Difference Method914

18.7 Summary919

18.8 Problems920

Chapter 19 Turbulent Boundary Layers921

19.1 Introduction922

19.2 Results for Turbulent Boundary Layers on a Flat Plate922

19.2.1 Reference Temperature Method for Turbulent Flow924

19.2.2 The Meador-Smart Reference Temperature Method for Turbulent Flow926

19.2.3 Prediction of Airfoil Drag927

19.3 Turbulence Modeling927

19.3.1 The Baldwin-Lomax Model928

19.4 Final Comments930

19.5 Summary931

19.6 Problems932

Chapter 20 Navier-Stokes Solutions:Some Examples933

20.1 Introduction934

20.2 The Approach934

20.3 Examples of Some Solutions935

20.3.1 Flow over a Rearward-Facing Step935

20.3.2 Flow over an Airfoil935

20.3.3 Flow over a Complete Airplane938

20.3.4 Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction939

20.3.5 Flow over an Airfoil with a Protuberance940

20.4 The Issue of Accuracy for the Prediction of Skin Friction Drag942

20.5 Summary947

Appendix A Isentropic Flow Properties949

Appendix B Normal Shock Properties955

Appendix C Prandtl-Meyer Function and Mach Angle959

Appendix D Standard Atmosphere,SI Units963

Appendix E Standard Atmosphere,English Engineering Units973


